Beauty blog run by a make up and nail art fanatic.

Sunday, 26 June 2016

What's In My Hand Luggage?

What's In My Hand Luggage?
Hello everyone!
Happy Sunday!
Did you see last week's post about the June Glossybox? (​Here)
On Friday I flew out to Spain with my family so I thought you'd like to see what I crammed into my hand luggage!
As we were travelling as a family, my dad had all of our important documents and passports so I didn't have to worry about that!
Just as an FYI, as I'm on holiday, I'm writing this blog post and next week's post on my phone, so if the layout is a bit different or the photos are huge, that's because I can't change too much! I'll fix them when I'm home.

Sunday, 19 June 2016

What's In My Glossybox? | June 2106

Glossybox June 2016
Hello everyone!
Happy Sunday!
Did you see last week's post? It was my Gerard Cosmetics Haul (here).
Today I'll be showing you what goodies I received in my Glossybox for June.
As the products are very holiday orientated I am saving them for my holiday next week, so I won't be reviewing them as such, more telling you about them. If I think something is particularly great, I'll be sure to keep you all informed!


Sunday, 12 June 2016

Gerard Cosmetics Haul

Gerard Cosmetics Haul

Hello everyone!
Happy Sunday!

Did you see last week's post about my Updated Skincare Routine (here)?

I've bought a couple of bits and pieces from Gerard Cosmetics recently so I thought you'd like to see them.


Sunday, 5 June 2016

Updated Skincare Routine

Updated Skincare Routine
Hello Everyone!
Happy Sunday!

I hope you enjoyed last week's post about the Fortune Favours The Brave Palette (here).

Today I'll be showing you my updated skincare routine as its been ages (i.e. nearly two years) since I last talked about it (here).
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